Radicchio lasagne with Paglierina
Difficulty > High
Preparation > minutes
Doses for > people
Step > Preparation
Difficulty > High
Preparation > minutes
Doses for > people
Step > Preparation
Soften the finely sliced onion with some oil and the prosciutto cut into julienne strips Add the radicchio cut into fine strips and cook for a few minutes, stirring frequently to prevent the formation of liquid.
Toss. Scald the pasta in plenty of boiling salted water, to which you have added a spoon of oil. Cool the pasta sheets under the cold water tap and spread them out on a large tray lined with ovenproof paper.
Grease a Pyrex dish with butter, pour bechamel into the bottom and cover with 4-5 layers of pasta, alternating with stewed radicchio, bechamel, slices of Paglierina and a few chopped hazelnuts.
Complete with bechamel sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and butter. Bake in a preheated oven at 190 °C for 25-30 minutes.
The Recipes of the Caseificio Longo
Boil the potatoes in a pan, peel and mash, then leave to cool and mix with the
Make the creamed pumpkin, cutting it into cubes and gently frying it in a pan
Make the pasta using the flour and two eggs, kneading the dough for 10 minutes.
Gently fry the finely chopped onion. Toast the rice for a few minutes, stirring
Finely dice all the vegetables (courgettes, peppers and aubergines)...
Roast the pepper at 160°C for about 40 minutes. Leave it to cool and peel
Place the oil and half of the butter in a pan over a medium-low heat. Cook the